Anny Giavelli

    ESG Manager


    Anny has joined FSI in 2024 as ESG Manager in charge for developing and implementing ESG initiatives at portfolio level and at firm level. Prior to FSI, Anny spent 4 years at Ecofin as Sustainability Strategist, where she led the sustainability integration into the invesment process and shaped the sustainability strategy. Prior to that, Anny was an ESG & Impact investment specialista at a private wealth management company based in London where she conducted sustainability due diligence at investment level and co-managed the impact venture capital mandate. Before that, she spent years in APAC between Hong Kong and Tokyo. She started her carrier at Citigroup covering multiple roles in markets.


    She earned a Msc of Financial Engineering & Risk Management at Imperial College Business School, a MSc of Finace and a bachelor of Finance and Economics at Bocconi. She has the CFA Certificate in ESG Investing.