ESG for Portfolio Companies
Shared values of responsibility
FSI is committed to promoting and ensuring the application of ESG principles both internally and within its portfolio companies.
The combination of capital and a track record of success, paired with excellent knowledge of the markets and a long-term perspective make it possible for FSI to support companies in accelerating their growth while improving their financial situation, always with the goal of increasing their ESG performance at the same time. For this reason, FSI helps to promote a process of business innovation for all subsidiaries through the exploitation of new technologies.
But it does not stop there. FSI puts people first, respects diversity and enhances the distinctive skills of individuals. These are FSI’s founding ethical principles, which are shared by the portfolio companies.

Cedacri: Improving business resilience through sustainability commitment
Cedacri is committed to lowering CO2 emissions with a car and bike sharing programme. It also implements waste sorting and acquires most of its electricity from renewable sources. Cedacri developed the “Cedacri towards plastic free” green initiative to totally eliminate the use of plastic.
In terms of human resources, it encourages employee communication initiatives, oversees their training and monitors their safety in the workplace.

Adler: Innovation through talent promotion
From the outset, this company has spearheaded research into innovative solutions for electric cars involving the use of natural raw materials deriving from the waste of other industries or recovered from the production cycle. Its aim is to reduce CO2 emissions and use at least 25% of recycled raw materials. The company designed and developed a “smart city” in Irpinia, Italy equipped with smart infrastructure in order to test autonomous driving with ultra-modern mobility technologies. Where resources are concerned, Adler develops programmes for new graduates involving work experiences all over the globe.

Missoni: Creativity and sustainability, the heart and mind of our development
This company is actively committed to upholding the importance of women in business: 77% of its employees are women, 95% of which are employed on a permanent contract. Women also make up 36% of the senior management team and 14% of the Board of Directors. The company uses recycled materials from previous collections and has optimized its production processes to limit waste and eliminate the use of plastic.

Lumson Group: Social and environmental responsibility to reduce global impact
The company is committed to resource optimization. In 2019 it produced 1,100 tonnes of waste (including paper, plastic, iron and steel), of which 54% was recycled, and reduced its CO2 emissions by 5% compared to 2018. Lumson also promotes workers’ rights and gender respect: 46% of the workforce are women and 97% of workers are on a permanent contract. In 2019, Lumson was awarded the EcoVadis silver medal for its commitment to corporate social responsibility.

Kedrion Biofarma: Keep Life Flowing
Kedrion strongly believes in the need to reduce its environmental impact, and 65% of the company’s waste, including hazardous waste, is recycled. Compared to 2018, it has reduced CO2 emissions by 8% and invested further in staff training. In 2019 alone, staff benefited from 24,000 hours of training (10% more than the previous year). In 2019, Kedrion launched a series of initiatives to reduce emissions, the most significant being the carpooling project for journeys to the office.